Romeo2-Jcid Self-Designed Face Id Chip-2nd Gen Dot Projector Repair
Romeo2 Face ID Chip Features: Smaller, thinner and more stable than the 1st Gen No need for a shim, easier for installing Universal to iPhoneX-12PM , iPad pro 3/4/5 Thickness only 0.38mm (including tin balls) 0.5mm lower than the magic ring, enough space for chip locating, install easily!
Debut-JCID Rear Camera Repair Solution!
JCID debut the rear camera repair solution! Handle with unmatched camera code and i4tools bypass problems of iPhone X-11 series Fix pop-up window problems of 12 series after changing rear camera
What Is JC Drawing? JCID Schematic Diagram Inode Bitmap for Mobile Phone Repair
JC Drawing is a revolutionary tool that can help you quickly and easily diagnose and repair your mobile phone. This tool uses advanced algorithms to analyze the data from your phone and generate a detailed repair drawing.
What Is Iphone Nand Chip Programmer
NAND chip programming is an important process for many iPhone users, as it allows them to access the data stored on their device’s flash memory.
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