V1SE Programmer New Released V7.90 Version
- Optimize the 11 or above version batteries health is modified when the offline cycle is cleared
- Optimize the data modification is abnormal when 11 or above version batteries operate online
- Skip the number of authorization checks when the dot matrix and battery are connected to WIFI to write
- Solve the built-in identification does not support the latest IOS system
- Solve V1SE WIFI addresses conflict and multiple V1SE devices cannot be connected to the same network
- Local upgrade file check and download,add dynamic percentage display
- Optimize the problem of the platform displaying the 13 series when the 14 series screen is online

JCID V1SE programmer is a mobile phone code reading and writing programmer with large capacity. It’s compatible with 8 adaptors, including screen adaptor, 6-14PM battery adaptor, X-13PM dot projector repair adaptor, fingerprint adaptor for home button read and write, receiver FPC detection adaptor, 12-13 vibration read&write adaptor, original screen true tone repair adaptor and 12 series/ 13/ 13 mini original and brand screen true tone repair adaptor.