
V1SE Programmer New Released V7.90 Version

2023-04-12 from JCID

V1SE Programmer New Released V7.90 Version


  1. Optimize the 11 or above version batteries health is modified when the offline cycle is cleared


  1. Optimize the data modification is abnormal when 11 or above version batteries operate online


  1. Skip the number of authorization checks when the dot matrix and battery are connected to WIFI to write


  1. Solve the built-in identification does not support the latest IOS system


  1. Solve V1SE WIFI addresses conflict and multiple V1SE devices cannot be connected to the same network


  1. Local upgrade file check and download,add dynamic percentage display


  1. Optimize the problem of the platform displaying the 13 series when the 14 series screen is online



JCID V1SE programmer is a mobile phone code reading and writing programmer with large capacity. It’s compatible with 8 adaptors, including screen adaptor, 6-14PM battery adaptor, X-13PM dot projector repair adaptor, fingerprint adaptor for home button read and write, receiver FPC detection adaptor, 12-13 vibration read&write adaptor, original screen true tone repair adaptor and 12 series/ 13/ 13 mini original and brand screen true tone repair adaptor.

  • Room 403, Building 2, IOT Industrial Park, 4012 Wuhe Blvd, Bantian Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen
  • +86-400-175-8688
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