Tools & Accessories

V15PM Screen Tester for iPhone and Android MIPI&EDP Compatible

Batch Flashing Box iX4 Multi-Port Battery Health One-Key Unbind iPhone Flash

Exclusive 6-in-1 Universal Screen S35C for iPhone Screen Testing - JCID

EDP Screen Test Limit Module For V15PM Screen Tester

GT01 Optical Detection Probe For Screen Flicker And LV Values Detection- JCID

V15 Screen Tester for iPhone Android MiPi Screen Display And Touch Test
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Our tools & accessories collections contains a comprehensive range of mobile phone repair tools such as chip grinder, purple screen box, D11 digital detector, PD charger tester-CT02, hand-held machine inspection assistant, etc. Support mobile phone data detection, precise positioning of mobile phone faults, fast charging of mobile phone batteries, one-key activation of batteries, detection and query of genuine and counterfeit fast chargers, IOS device inspection, mobile phone motherboard IC grinding, etc.

  • Room 402(403), Building 2, IOT Industrial Park, 4012 Wuhe Blvd, Bantian Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen
  • +86-400-175-8688
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